The last puzzle is kinda hard and its complicated to accostum to the jump in the first levels, but other than that, its a nice game!
The last puzzle is kinda hard and its complicated to accostum to the jump in the first levels, but other than that, its a nice game!
haha funni cat go boing
*pisses very loudly*
epik gaem
A very clean game with good controls and excelent music, my only issue is that after the third song the game start to lag, making you loose, depending of the difficulty, so you need to refreash the page after a level, still, this game gets 5 winned stars from me.
Based on your latest games and the fact that this was made in 48 hr is really a great, your improvement in the design of the game and the mechanics are good, but i have some problems with it:
1: some levels like level 14 have some weird specific moves, that feels kinda weird. and that's a normal problem; specific moves, but for the type of gameplay that the game use, is pretty ok
2:the sound is pretty loud, when i grabbed the guitar in the tutorial, i almost thinked someone putted a loud audio, you should add a option to lower the music and the sounds.
besides that, is a pretty decent game.
Fast review: the game have a lot of potencial, it shows a fun 10 min gameplay that match with the genre of the game, , the last part is kinda hard because of the jump at the end to reach to the last checkpoint, but the rest of the game is excellent, but there's a small problem i dont like so88888888888ecause (at least me) use more WASD to move that the arrows, if both arrows and Wasd work, my score can be from 4.0 to 5.
Done! I just added support for WASD controls.
I also agree with your comment about the last jump. I wanted to make a difficult ending, but feel like the last jump didn't really fit with the game. It's just a bit too precise to be fun with the "out of control" jumping gimmick and I probably wouldn't have kept it if I had more time to think about level design than the 48h Game Jam allowed.
Joined on 5/17/19